From the academic year 2015-2016 the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the Vanvitelli University has activated a new integrated study course with the Institute for International Tourism Service and Foreign Languages of the Linguistic State University of Pyatigorsk - PSLU - (Russia).

The course has a duration of two years and includes training agreed with the foreign university and a period of mobility of two semesters; students will achieve a double degree with the following name: "Doctor in Modern Philology", at the Vanvitelli University and "Masters in Linguistics" at the PSLU recognized according to the official rules in force in the two Universities and in their respective countries. This new course is an unrepeatable opportunity for students to enrich their professional curriculum and acquire a unique and captivating training profile.

The Linguistic State University of Pyatigorsk is one of the most accredited Russian universities, its Institute for International Tourism Service and Foreign Language is located in a modern and functional facility located in the centre of the city of Pyatigorsk, an important spa town located in the Federal District of the North Caucasus.



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