The First Cycle Degree in Humanities at the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage provides an international option for the achievement of a double three-year degree valid in Italy and France:
• Degree in Humanities issued by the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli";
• License (LMD) mention Lettres for the UCA - département des Lettres
To obtain the double degree (Italian Bachelor's Degree / French License), the selected students must: spend the second year of their study programme at the Université Cote d'Azur (Nice), attend courses and take the corresponding exams, as indicated in the attached study plan table and discuss the final thesis according to the procedures established by the agreement.
To access, the student enrolled in the second year of the study programme in Humanities - modern curriculum – must apply, after having obtained the first 60 credits relating to the first year of studies and demonstrated to possess at least a B1 knowledge of the French language, according to the common European framework of reference for linguistic knowledge.
Educational Goals
Although the specific training objectives are equivalent to the original course, students will have the opportunity to: learn about new and different teaching methodologies with respect to their own teaching environment; acquire communication skills that will facilitate access to professions and / or the continuation of studies in both countries. In fact, the double degree will allow graduates to continue their university education and at the same time access competitions in which the degree is required.
Recipients and Grants
Ten students can access this path based on the agreement between the universities.
The selected students will benefit the Erasmus + scholarship and any additional contributions provided by the two universities.
The selection will take place by the end of July through a motivational interview with the committee appointed by the Director of the department.
Download the pdf of the educational programme
For information, please contact the professors responsible for the international path:
Prof. Claudio Buongiovanni e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Raffaele Spiezia e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.