Didactic activities evaluation questionnaires

IT   |   EN

The evaluation of the students' opinions is a tool aimed at improving the teaching and organization of the study course.

Students enrolled can express their opinion connecting to the online services through the Esse3 or through the MyVanvitelli APPwithin the time frame established, each year, by a specific circular letter.


Please note that the questionnaire is completely anonymous: once completed, it will not be possible in any way to trace the author of the evaluation.

The questionnaire is available in Italian and in English by selecting the desired language on the menu at the top right.

After authentication, by selecting the item ‘Questionari valutazione attività didattiche’ - "Didactic activities evaluation questionnaires" -, icons are displayed next to each course to be assessed and indicate the compilation status relating to the single course.


For students attending courses belonging to the following Departments:

  • Department of Translational Medical Sciences
  • Department of General and Specialised Surgery for Women and Children
  • Multidisciplinary Department of Medicine for Surgery and Orthodontics
  • Department of Precision Medicine
  • Department of Mental, Physical Health and Preventive Medicine

should the questionnaire relating to the course of interest not be available in the “Didactic activities evaluation questionnaires” section of the ESSE3 platform (or in the specific section of the MyVanvitelli APP), it can be filled out by connecting to the following address https://cressi.unicampania.it/QuestionariDidattica after by logging in with the usual credentials.



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