The Joint Degree in Fashion Design, designed by the Vanvitelli University and the Okan University - Art, Fashion and Fashion Design Department, allows students to attend courses of the third year at the Vanvitelli University and of the fourth year at Okan University, Department of Fashion Design and to obtain a double degree in "Design for Fashion" and "Fashion Design ".
The international programme allows students from both countries to:
Obtain both the title of "Doctor" in Italy and the "Bachelor level degree" in Turkey;
Study in a cosmopolitan and multicultural environment;
Present themselves on the international labour market, thus multiplying their job opportunities in an increasingly globalized world.
Correspondence between the educational systems of the two universities involved in this agreement
The curricula of the respective courses are integrated with the Bologna process, created to increase common cohesion in the European Higher Education Area, European university qualifications, and Italian and Turkish higher education diplomas. Students will not only acquire the qualifications associated with higher education diplomas, but will also have the opportunity to lay out international careers in the fashion design area.
Italian study class, "Design for Fashion" L-4 Industrial design
This Degree programme provides the basic theoretical preparation and an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents, as well as the acquisition of specific professional knowledge in the fashion design field. It requires 180 credits over three years. Graduates are assigned the title of doctor, which corresponds, in the whole area of the Bologna process and in the Anglo-Saxon countries, to the "Bachelor's level degree".
Turkish study class, “Fashion design”
This Degree programme provides the basic theoretical preparation and an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents, as well as the acquisition of specific professional knowledge. It requires 60 credits of general training in the first year and 180 credits over three additional years. Graduates are awarded the "Bachelor's level degree" (Bologna Process).
The main goal of this international programme is to integrate the different skills and features of the Fashion Design studies of the two Universities. The course at the Okan University is characterized by the ability to train young talents maintaining an educational approach consistent with the reality of the global world and of the fashion industry dynamics by adopting academic experiences and personal skills that allow graduates to enter successfully in the world of work. The course of the Vanvitelli University is more interdisciplinary and oriented to scientific experimentation with specific courses of innovation applied to sustainability and green design.
The purpose of the Double Degree is to offer students of the Vanvitelli University an overview of the deep interactions between Fashion and Society while helping students of the Okan University to understand the problems of research and innovation applied to this sector. In particular, the international programme trains professionals able to promote innovative processes in the changing, dynamic sector of the production systems of fashion companies. Moreover, through the knowledge of the cultural and symbolic dimension of the fashion industry, students will be able to better express their skills on product design. Students will be able to express themselves both verbally and creatively with original products. Academic staff and experts working with major fashion groups in both countries will train these students.
Students regularly enrolled in the third year of the degree course in Design for Fashion of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the Vanvitelli University, in good standing with taxes and exams of the first and second year can access the double degree in "Design for Fashion" and "Fashion Design".
Those who decide to enrol may request to apply for scholarships annually allocated by the Vanvitelli University. Part of these scholarships are reserved for foreign students.
For information, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For the Vanvitelli University:
prof. Ing. Antonio Apicella, University representative for the joint title
prof. Arch. Raffaella Aversa, coordination of joint degree courses
For the Okan University (to be confirmed):
Prof. Serna Ucar
Prof. Sema Ulcin
For any information, feel free to contact the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – phone number + 39 081.5010700 and the professor responsible of the programme, Prof. Antonio Apicella e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.