corsi di studio ENorientamento ENservizi ENThird Missionsoon

The Degree Programme in DATA ANALYTICS provides an international course for the acquisition of the joint title:

- Degree in Data Analytics issued by the Vanvitelli University

- Licence (LMD) Mention Informatique of the Computer Science Department of the Institut Galilée, issued by the Université Paris 13 – Sorbonne Paris La Cité (France)

A Course of Study Committee composed by the Coordinators and the professors of the two courses supervises the international programme.

To access at the international course, students have to satisfy the following requirements:

- knowledge of the English language (at least a B1 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR))

 – to have competed exams for the first 120 ECTS.

A Committee appointed by the extended Study Board bases the selection on the students’ career and on an interview.

The agreement between the two universities establishes that 5 students of each institution can access the international course each year.

This programme requires that students attend the third year of course at foreign university. The courses are mainly held in English.


In order to apply to the international programme, students must be regularly enrolled in one of the degree courses at their home University.


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